- Aloha Treatments, Spa & Institute - www.aloha-spa.ch
- Amavita the Palud - https://www.amavita.ch/de/amavita-nutribio-la-palud
- Au P'tit Tout: Bulk and local grocery store - www.epicerie-en-vrac.ch
- Archangel Institute - www.archange.ch
- Bio-Artisa Sarl - www.bio-artisa.ch
- Cinema Fred - https://biofred.com/
- bio-time.ch
- Ceres - https://www.facebook.com/CeresLaChauxDeFonds/
- Creative Concept - http://creativeconcept.mozello.com/
- Drugstore Mr. Hofer - www.droguerie-hofer.ch
- EcoTurtle - https://ecoturtle.ch/fr/marque/curenat-7
- Heritage Neroli - https://www.heritageneroli.ch/
- Image Plus Yverdon-les-Bains - www.image-plus.ch
- Peau Lys Beauty Institute - https://www.peaulys.ch/
- The S.A. apothecary shop - www.boutiqueapothicaire.com
- The eco hive - https://www.larucheeco.ch/
- Bulk life - http://www.la-vie-en-vrac.ch/
- The solar orchard - https://www.levergersolaire.ch/
- Le Sureau - organic store in Bois-Genoud
- The Senses of the Earth -https://www.facebook.com/magasinlessensdelaterre/
- Leman Tropical - biovegancreole.ch
- The Herbalist - www.lherboriste.ch
- My Organic Choice - monchoixbio.ch
- Market of Life - http://www.lemarchedevie.ch/
- General store - https://magasingeneral.ch/
- Naturally loose - https://www.naturellementvrac.ch/
- New land - www.nouvelleterre.net
- Oasis spa - https://oasis-wellness.ch/
- ômm, l'atelier - https://www.ommlatelier.com/
- O-was - https://www.o-bio.ch/magasins/obio-lutry/
- PharmaGranges SA - www.votrepharmacie.ch
- Orchard pharmacy - http://www.votrepharmacie.ch/pharmacie-des-vergers.html
- Prosana - www.naturopathie-fribourg.ch
- Qosms Body & Soul Spa - https://www.qosms.ch/
- Swissisgood - www.swissisgood.ch
- Zeropack - https://www.zeropack.ch/